We are love. We are divine. We are compassion. We are all the best in the universe. It’s just we forget.

Supreme Master Ching Hai


We live in a hectic and chaotic world. Everyday we are bombarded with all kinds of distressing news. When global warming is in the news again, we feel helpless but life goes on.

We have now reached an unprecedented twelve months of consecutive monthly heat record, resulting in devastating disasters. Past inaction means we could be reaching the critical 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature increase by 2026. With the world population growing at an alarming rate, adding another 1 billion people in 13 years, before we know it, we are arriving at the place we fear most.


Can we still fix it?

This website explains the root cause of global warming from the spiritual and scientific perspectives, and offers a holistic solution.

The physical world that we perceive as reality is like the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface, there is a vast unseen spiritual realm with its laws governing the whole universe.

We are too busy, too busy for daily survival, working, we have no time to do research, so we did not know that these things are truly poisonous to us.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Survival pressure and the allure of temptation of this world challenge and confuse our mind, taking up all our strength and reason, while leaving us not much time at all to even remember our God’s power within or to even know that it exists.

If we do not know the source of our being, then we do not live according to the cosmic law, and that makes trouble for us... And when we return to it, or at least we tune in with it, our life is in more harmony with the cosmic whole, and therefore we are happy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Science and Spirituality.

Based on what we can see so far, there are over 100 billion galaxies with over 6 sextillion potentially habitable planets in the universe. There are likely more Earth-like planets than all the grains of sand on Earth. Imagine. Life cannot be purposeless in the midst of a random universe.

When we look at the tiny DNA that carries the genetic code of life, to the flora, to the vast galaxies in the universe, the similar patterns of nature reflect the work of a higher consciousness.

Science is a tool to assist us in understanding the mechanics of nature. We invented the clock to emulate how our planet moves around the sun. But why planets know how to run like clockwork without colliding? Why do we even have the consciousness to witness these? Why do the clinically dead when brought back to life, recall out of body experiences, when their hearts and brains no longer function? Science is slowly waking up to what the ancients have already known: There is such a thing as life force. Beyond the physical world that we perceive as reality, there is a vast unseen spiritual realm governing the whole universe.

Spirituality helps us understand the root of our problem and how we can solve it.

Picture this realm if you will, a great disc of light representing the universal network suspends in space and all living beings are little balls of light connected to it through strands of light. Like a spiritual internet, this connection lets souls access to different levels of knowlege according to the individuals’ experience.

One day, I mediated and suddenly I was startled by some real grave images and information that came flooding in. There’s methane gas, there is carbon dioxide, there will be catastrophic consequences from the meat industry.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Because of livestock, it triggers methane gas from all sides: from the river bed or from the permafrost, from the bed of the ocean, from the mountains, from the dying forests and even living forests, alive forests, if the atmosphere is too hot, the forests also cannot absorb CO2 and they could even release CO2 themselves as well. So we are surrounded by trouble.

If any planet has harbored or practiced such a (meat-eating) lifestyle, they will also have to face the threat of extinction like what we are facing right now. We only need to look at our own neighboring planets, Mars and Venus, to see that the vision is bleak, is disastrous, if we don’t make the right choice, the right change now.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Livestock: The Main Cause of Global Warming.

Livestock industry produces 51% of global greenhouse gas, more than all the world’s transportion sector: of cars, planes, trains and ships combined.
Livestock gas and waste produces the No.1 source of nitrous oxide and methane, which are 310 and 72 times more potent than carbon dioxide respectively.
Livestock raising drives 75% of the world’s deforestation. It uses up 3.4 billion hectares of land for animal gazing and for growing crops to feed the animals.

While scientists have known that greenhouse gases produced by the meat industry are significant contributors to global warming, the Worldwatch Institute Report shows that after adding the unaccounted emissions including methane from belches of livestock, as high as over 51% of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the meat industry.

Methane is a much more potent heat-trapping gas than carbon dioxide. But it is also shorter lived. So action taken immediately to address it could slow the planet’s warming much faster than carbon dioxide.


The root of our problem is that we have been unkind to our co-inhabitants: the living, feeling, walking, acting, loving beings, like animals of all sizes and shapes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

The animals come to this planet with a special role. Many of them are able to bring down divine power from Heaven, or love, just through their presence.

We lose more and more of the quality of love as we generate more hatred and competitiveness and jealousy into the atmosphere that we live. So more animals have to incarnate into our planet in order to help us to balance that, but now we’re killing many of them almost every day. Two, three hundred species are lost every day and they will not come back. Even if they wanted to, they will not be allowed to come back. That’s why we see so many animals extinct. The endangered species or the already extinct, we will never see them again because they came here to help, but we harmed them instead. So, Heaven will not allow them to return. And the less animals, the less love atmosphere on our planet, and also if we generate more hatred the way we live, then we’ll be in trouble.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Cows are intelligent and loyal animals. A cow was known to have walked 7 miles to be reunited with her calf after being sold.


Chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals with individual personalities. They are as intelligent as cats and dogs.


Pigs are curious and insightful animals considered smarter than 3-year-old human children. A pig once saved a boy from drowning.


Fish are smart and sensitive animals. They have excellent memories and recognize their mates.

55 billion animals are slaughtered for meat every year.

Animals think and feel. They love and protect their children just like us. But in factory farms all over the world today, animals are born and raised in crammed filthy confinements. Most won’t even feel the sun or breathe fresh air until the day they are loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.

In the slaughterhouse, many of these animals are still alive after they are cut open on their way down the assembly line to be butchered.


Leina, an animal communicator, served as the voice for the rescued farm animals at the Animal Place Sanctuary. Through direct telepathic exchange in the form of words, mental images, feelings and more, the animals communicated:

“We are here to love. This is our only purpose. We are here for humans, we keep balance and peace for the planet. We don’t expect anything from the humans. We must survive in order for the earth to survive. Humans must come to an understanding of our purpose on earth.”

55 billion animals are slaughtered each year. We have to save the animals to keep balance of the loving atmosphere on our planet. When the choice we make for what we eat directly supports the suffering and death of so many animals, we cannot simply look the other way and pretend it isn’t happening.

You see, eating animal flesh, meaning we are decreasing our love in our being, from our structure, holy structure. We are born from God, we were holy, we were true children of God. But if we eat the animals, then the mixing of blood type and genetic code between human and animals make us lose our status as the crown of creation, as true humans.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

As pure humans, the children of God, we are under direct connection with the light, with the mighty Master power of the commanding center of the universe. We have absolute command over all under Heaven, because we were pure, and we’re children of God. But we keep putting different elements into our beings, even physically, it will affect our spiritual structure as well. Because we became mix-ling, mixing and mixing structure, not pure, we became hybrid, vulnerable to attack from the dark force, because we are not pure anymore.

Whenever we eat meat, it is unavoidable that some of the hatred, anger and frustration in the animal’s heart caused when it departed, will be imprinted upon our consciousness, and then we will feel uneasy inside. Therefore, when we sleep at night we have nightmares, when animals see us they are frightened of us and run away. And when we are sick, it is difficult to heal ourselves because of all this hatred, this angry atmosphere which hangs around the meat that we eat.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Memory in the Flesh.

Claire Sylvia wrote a famous book about how after she received a heart transplant, she dreamed about a man and craved for certain food. Which turned out to be her donor and the food he liked.

Studies have revealed that memories are more than just the functions of our brains alone. They could be stored in cells outside the brain.

Many organ transplant recipients display personality changes similar to that of their donors, including moods, opinions and tastes. In an extraordinary case, a heart transplant patient’s nightmares helped the police to convict the killer of her heart donor.

Applying the ability of flatworm to grow a new head from their cut off tails on trained flatworms, researchers found that the newly grown worms retained the memories and performed the same behaviors. Similar results were also recorded when bits of trained flatworms were fed to their untrained brethren.

When we consume meat, we are absorbing the fear and distress of these terrified animals that suffered traumatic deaths, into our bodies and subconsciousness. We also absorb the chemicals injected into the animals and the toxins released by their fear before they die. These completely lower our energies.

The flatworms with newly grown heads recognized the environment and settled in to feed faster than newcomers, that needed more time to explore their surroundings before they feel safe to eat.

Eating meat is the biggest cruelty one can ever commit even to ourselves. Even if we don’t kill the animals ourselves, we are still responsible for their deaths.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Karma means ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ If you kill, you will get killed, that is the meaning of karma. If we hit someone, later we will get beaten. That is called karma.

All great religions talk about the law of karma. If not, why would they preach and ask us to be kind if our actions had no consequences? That is why the laws of karma and reincarnation are mentioned in all the great religions. Sometimes it is more clearly explained, other times it is implied. Our laws have been created to protect the order of society, and there are also universal laws to look after the order and the well-being of all the creatures of the universe. We do not only live in a country, we are also citizens of the universe and each nation is similar to a mansion. We must therefore know the universal laws and if we respect them, they will protect us from experiencing lower levels of existence.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Vegetarianism in Religion.

We can see the law of cause and effect working everywhere in our physical world. When we sow an apple seed, we will have an apple tree and then apple fruits. All religions teach us to be kind as our actions have consequences.



“Regarding the eating of animal flesh and abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that, in the beginning of creation, God determined the food of every living being, and to eat contrary to that determination is not approved.”

The Bahá’í Writings


“... All meats eaten by living beings are of their own relatives.”

Lankavatara Sutra
(Tripitaka No. 671)


“... The most important thing is to stop killing... because animals also have souls and understand like humans... If we kill and eat them, then we owe them a blood debt.”

Teachings of the Saints,
About Keeping the Ten Precepts


“Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them.”

1st Corinthians 6:13, Holy Bible


“All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others. The superior man, having seen the animals alive, cannot bear to see them die; having heard their dying cries, he cannot bear to eat their flesh.”

Mencius, King Hui of Liang, Chapter 4


“I have come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood, and if ye cease not offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not cease from you.”

Gospel of the Holy Twelve


“Since you... cannot bring killed animals back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance.”

Chapter 17, verses 159-165


“Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards of animals!”

Prophet Muhammad, Hadith


“And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood*; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood*, and will cut him off from among his people.”

Leviticus 17:10, Holy Bible


“Those mortals who consume marijuana, flesh and wine – no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell.”

Guru Granth Sahib, page 1377


“Do not go into the mountain to catch birds in nets, nor to the water to poison fishes and minnows. Do not butcher the ox that plows your field.”

Tract of the Quiet Way


“Those plants, I, Ahura Mazda (God), rain down upon the earth, to bring food to the faithful, and fodder to the beneficent cow.”

~ Avesta, Venidad Fargard 5-20

‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ ‘Like attracts like.’ Scientifically speaking, spiritually speaking, we have been warned. So, all the disasters that have happened around the world, of course, are connected with the human unkindness to the co-inhabitants. That was the price we have to pay for what we have done to the innocents who have done us no harm.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

It’s not the technical problem; it’s not the technical reparation we have to concentrate on. It’s the retribution, the cause and retribution that we have to pay attention to.

As soon as we erase this bad retribution from the killing effect, the Earth will turn around, will be allowed to repair, reproduce and sustain life again. It’s all come around about the bad karma. We overload her capacity, the Earth, so we have to reverse our actions. That’s all there is to it.

We should be in coordination with the universal energy, the loving law of nature. If humanity does not respect other forms of life, then the life of humans will also be in peril, because we are all interconnected.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

“I think that’s what Leo Tolstoy was suggesting. As long as there was a certain group, a certain expression of life, and was consider inferior, that we could be apathetic about, even if that group was another species, it would mirror itself in humanity, will cross over that perception.”

Shaun Monson (Vegan) Filmmaker. Director of Earthlings and Unity.

Meat Production has grown 25-fold since 1800.


Since the industrial revolution of the 1800s, technological advancements in mass deforestation, feeding, slaughter, transport and cold storage, have led global meat production to a staggering 25-fold growth.

Livestock industry greenhouse gas emissions have reached a point where it alone undercut our ability to keep temperatures from rising to an apocalyptic scenario.


One small step from everyone in the right direction can result in a big leap in our evolution as a human race. And that small step is very simple. It’s just: No killing. Abiding by the principle of ‘Live and let live’, adhering to the universal law where we grant life to beget life.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

80% of the global warming will be stopped if all people begin to be vegetarian... If the world were to go 100% vegetarian right now, the good effect of it would be seen within more or less 60 days.

Something like love is not to be proved by chemical stuff or mathematics stuff, but it has the invisible abstract component. I quote exactly her (the Goddess of Love) words: ‘Love has the component to dissolve calamity.’ I quote exactly what she told me in the vision.

Our thinking, our action, has to send out a message to the universal energy that we want a better planet; we want a safer life; we want a saved world. Then the universal energy will do just that.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

The Vegan Solution.


The United Nations urged that a global shift towards plant-based food is vital to combat global warming.

A plant-based diet uses 20 times less land and 14 times less water. It provides critical water, food and energy security to our rapidly increasing world population. In addition, vegans live 10 years longer and healthier lives than meat eaters.

It is a win-win solution.

“It takes about 8 pounds of plant protein to produce 1 pound of animal protein, so this is a significant issue. I personally became a vegan 5 years ago, I did it to see what it was like for a month and I felt better.”

Al Gore (Vegan) Environmental activist · former Vice President of the United States

“If you eat further down the food chain rather than animals, which have produced many greenhouse gases, and use much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything.”

Dr. James E. Hansen Father of global warming awareness · Former NASA’s top scientist

“If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That’s the single most important thing you could do. It’s staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty.”

Sir Paul McCartney (Vegan) One of the most successful composers and performers of all time

Please, everyone, wake up, wake up now. Please wake up and help us to save ourselves and the children in the future and all the animals on this planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

We have to take action now. All the governments in the world must take action or else we’ll be all gone. And I don’t think any good parent would like to imagine their children or their grandchildren be burnt in such an inferno like that. They have to be vegan NOW!

Meat is the cause of all wars and suffering in this world, as well as in your personal self. To refrain from meat is to contribute peace to this planet. If we terminate the cause of killing, we will not reap the result of being killed or being wounded.

So much suffering, so much medication, so much blood tests and x-rays and operation and all that. All this doesn’t even guarantee that our life will be saved due to the way we don’t treat ourselves kindly, due to the way that we are taking poison for food.

Supreme Master Ching Hai
Sixteen of the last 17 years have been the warmest years ever recorded on our planet. Each year, new ‘worst’ natural disasters are recorded. Wildfires, heat waves, storms, droughts and rising sea level are growing and becoming more common.

“Here’s a handy thermostat that we can turn all down with, if things get bad enough, when people realize it, they can literially make change immediately. Because carbon dioxide coming out of tail pipe is something going to be around for hundreds of years, it got an active life of hundred years, methane’s only twelve years and methane is a big component of agriculture greenhouse gases... you can turn it off in twelve years. So that’s pretty amazing.”

James Cameron (Vegan) Oscar-winning director of two highest-grossing films of all time

For Healthy Planet & Healthy Life.

Plant-based food are delicious and nutritious. They provide all the nutrients that we need, without the disease-causing substances found in meat and dairy products.

Going vegan is something every person can do every day for our planet. Plant-based food is healthy and readily available. It is the single simplest and most powerful solution to stop global warming. While it takes ages to change our climate policies, massive infrastructure of cars and power plants, going vegan cuts greenhouse gases with every bite.


It’s not difficult to change all this. We will just have to return to our original, loving self because that’s what we are.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful in their heart; it’s just that we all have been misinformed, misunderstood for a long, long, long time.

We are human, children of God. We don’t go and harass little chickens. We don’t hook the fish and make him scream in the air. We don’t crowd the pigs in and make them sick and suffering, and then blame them for the sickness... A child of God doesn’t go around killing, murdering other defenseless creatures.

Love your neighbors; love everyone else; love the animals. When we love, we don’t harm. When we love, we don’t kill. The only religion is Love. One simple solution is Love, that’s it. We have to follow our heart.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Vegan Lifestyle: The Recipe for Life

When we show kindness by going vegan, we are also generating love energy. And this love energy extends outward from us into the the environment and spread loving atmosphere everywhere. Love is the most important thing in the universe. Love for each other. Love for the animals. Love for the environment. Love for everything.


Save human lives

• Millions of lives are threatened by global warming. With more frequent and more severe hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, floods, wildfires and earthquakes.

• Scientists predict that global warming would displace 150 million people over the next 50 years.

• 20% of the world’s population, or 1.4 billion people, could be fed with the grain and soybeans fed to U.S. cattle alone.

Save farm animal lives

• Over 150 million farmed land animals are killed for food around the world every day. That comes out to 55 billion animals killed per year.

• 48 - 160 billion farmed fish are killed for food per year.

• 790 - 2,300 billion fishes from the wild are killed for food per year.

Save our own lives

Benefits of vegan diet:

• Increases life expectancy by up to 15 years

• Reduces heart disease risk by 50%

• Reduces heart surgery risk by 80%

• Lowers blood pressure

• Lowers cholesterol levels

• Reduces Type 2 diabetes

• Prevents stroke conditions

• Reverses atherosclerosis

• Prevents many forms of cancer

• Stronger immune system

Save our children lives

• More than 88% of diseases attributable to climate change occur in children younger than five.

• Children are growing up to a very difficult and warmer world compare to our lifetime. They are going to suffer the consequences of our lifestyles.

Save wild animal lives

• The disappearance of 65 amphibian species in Central and South America has a direct correlation to global warming.

• Animal species like antelopes, tortoises and birds found only on the southern tip of Africa cannot move farther south when warming becomes unbearable.

• Over two-thirds of bird species in Australia and more than one-third of those in Europe could simply be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Save rainforest lives

• Livestock grazing leads to the destruction of rainforests. And with it, the extinction of over half of the world’s animal and plant species.

Save marine lives

• Pollution from animal farms is destroying the world’s oceans. Nitrogen from animal feces and fertilizer causes massive increase in algae, leaving little oxygen for other sea lives. In many areas, virtually all the sea animals and plants have died.

• Fish farms massive amounts of feces, fish carcasses and antibiotic is causing the ocean floor to rot and toxic.

• Pollution and over-fishing causes diminished food supply for sea animals.

Since time immemorial, evolution always begins with the individual. If we want to change the world, we change ourselves first.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

We have to show love in a grander scale, not just romantic love for our family members - we should keep that, because every kind of love is sacred. Every kind of love will emit some beautiful positive energy to protect us, and to protect loved ones and something around us. So if each one of us gives more love into the surrounding, extend it, like more, a little bit further than family, and enough of that love, that will make up for the 100% love power needed to dissolve the greatest threat to our survival.

If you go veg, if you go green, if you do good deeds, you help others because you want to save the lives of other beings on Earth, then you have a saintly quality. You reawaken your holiness. It’s not just about saving the physical planet and the physical lives. It’s also about how great you are for wanting to do so and actually partaking in this life-saving crusade.

Supreme Master Ching Hai


Declaration that slavery was wrong. All human beings should be free. And no man should suffer under other human being.



Equality under the law, women had the rights to vote. Women also had better access to education and employment.



Become accepted that animals suffer and feel pain too. While ‘controls’ to ensure they do not suffer unnecessarily during slaughtering, animals still die in pain.



More people are going veg in this world crisis now, understanding that not just our children, not just the animals, but all lives on earth have the rights to live.

Our Next Step.

The freedom we take for granted now were taboos yesterday. History has shown when we expand our love and understanding to include all beings, it would ignite and catch the imagination of our society at large. We have the capacity to go beyond the convention of our time and change.

Global Warming is expected to be the cause of tens of millions of deaths, hundreds of millions of refugees and extinction of over a quarter of all life forms by 2050. More and more people are turning vegan today, understanding that not just us, our children, but all life on earth have the right to live.

Some have acted. But it’s not enough. We all have to be part of the solution. We have to see the world as one world that we are all participants here.

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

Albert Einstein (Vegetarian) The most well-known scientist of 20th century. He changed the way we understand the universe.

“It’s not a requirement to eat animals, we just choose to do it, so it becomes a moral choice and one that is having a huge impact on the planet...”

James Cameron (Vegan) Oscar-winning director of two highest-grossing films of all time

The inner peace that comes from replacing killing with respect for all life will spread like a wave across the globe, elevate human hearts and create a harmonious Eden on Earth. That will bring us all to a lasting Golden Era.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

I see love growing in different ways. These signs might be still insignificant now, but they are like the sparks of fire, that will soon turn to mighty flames, that will cinder past ignorance and hatred, and making a new beginning of a nobler and saintlier race on Earth.

The time has come for us to change, evolve, grow and stand tall as the rightful crown of creation, the benevolent rulers and protectors, and Heaven’s children on Earth. Together, let us make the unprecedented leap to the Golden Era, to the time of compassion, harmony, kindness and true peace that awaits us. I know that we can do it.

Through our leap in this evolution, we can leave this existence of want and fear, toward a true life of peace and love and enlightenment – from the vicious cycle of killing, suffering, and violence to a circle of loving kindness, protection, and happiness.

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Our past have led to our present predicament. And the choice we make now will determine our future. The time is now and it is precious. Will we use it wisely?

- Excerpts from letter to COP 21 world leaders. Paris, Dec.12, 2015 -

This is just a reminder that just paying money alone cannot SAVE LIVES. But being VEGAN does... Countless lives in the present AND future INCLUDING YOURS AND YOUR CHILDRENS FUTURE... CHILDREN OF YOUR CHILDREN... are in your hands.

Save them by voting for and implementing VEGAN LAW to STABILISE THE CLIMATE. Otherwise, Lives ON EARTH will perish and we will be committing a GRAVER OFFENCE THAN ALL THE ACTS OF KILLING and WARS COMBINED.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai

‘‘She brings love around the world where there is hate. She brings hope where there is despair. She brings understanding where there is misunderstanding. She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us.’’

Frank Fasi (Mayor of Honolulu)


Supreme Master Ching Hai is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, humanitarian, environmentalist and artist. She attained the Great Enlightenment in the Himalayas after a long search. The profound insights she gained through her spiritual attainment allowed her to identify the root cause of human suffering, unkindness to our animal co-inhabitants and the environment.

Since the early 1980s, Supreme Master Ching Hai has traveled worldwide and given over 100 free public lectures, encouraging others to embrace the healthy, sustainable vegan lifestyle and to look within to find their own divine greatness:

“The peace and love that we most often talk about and seek we have within ourselves.”

The sales of Supreme Master Ching Hai artistic creations allow her to generate an independent source of income to help others, through her spiritual work, donations to charitable projects around the world for humans in need and protection of vulnerable animals. In recognition of her selfless assistance, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been given awards worldwide.

In 2006, due to the urgent need to raise awareness among the people about climate crisis and the planet saving vegan solution, Supreme Master Ching Hai launched Supreme Master TV, a free global satellite and web TV channel. She also shared her message on over 30 conferences, inspired the opening of over 200 vegan restaurants and the distribution of millions of pamphlets worldwide.

Throughout the decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai unconditionally devotes her time, finances and energy to enhance the spiritual, emotional and physical welfare of others. Living by example, she reminds us of our inner goodness and to walk the way of love:

“Whatever we can share, begin with sharing, and then we will feel a subtle change in ourselves, more love will be pouring into our consciousness, and we will be aware of something, and that is the beginning. We are here to learn, to learn to grow as well as to learn to use our power, our limitless power of love and creativity, in order to make a better world wherever we happen to be.”

Over the decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has given over 100 free public lectures worldwide.
Supreme Master Ching Hai supports her work through funds generated from sale of her artistic creations (Painting entitled: ‘Enlightened’).
Supreme Master Ching Hai has been given awards worldwide, including the ‘World humanitarian Leadership Award’ in U.S.A.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai organization served over 250,000 vegan meals for months in the aftermath of Haiti earthquake 2010.
Supreme Master TV was broadcasted on 14 satellite platforms for 5 years, free of charge, to reach out to people around the world.
Loving Hut vegan restaurant chain can be found worldwide to encourage people to go vegan.


Constructive programming for a peaceful world